Research project on urban planning in Russia and Sweden

RUCARR researchers Bo Petersson and Derek Hutcheson are embarking on a new research project Legitimacy, urban planning and sustainability in Russia and Sweden (LUPSRUSS) with funding from the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD).

The project seeks to examine the processes of urban planning in Sweden and Russia, with a focus on the input, control and output legitimacy of that process. The concept of input legitimacy will be examined through an examination of the actors in the processes of urban planning. Control/throughput legitimacy will be examined through examination of the processes of urban planning. Output legitimacy will focus on the policy outputs of the process.
Through paired comparison of different examples of urban planning, this project will give insight into the quality of governance at the local level. Moreover, the focus will be on the politics and processes behind sustainable planning and development in a number of comparable regions in each country. Finally, the project will also be capacity-building, building on existing networks and fostering new ones between scholars and local government units in Sweden and Russia

Read more about the project and partners at the project website: and the ICLD’s research page: