
Fall 2024

August 30, 11.00-16.00
Seminar and networking meeting withmember of the board of the Friends of Georgia Society, Sweden, read more

September 10, 15-17
Johanna Melén: Imperiehunger : Putins storryska drömmar och ett nyvaknat motstånd”, mer info
Var: Seminarierummet, vån 9, Niagara

October 15, 15-17
Seminar with Prof Irina Busygina: Russia’s War against Ukraine: Implications on Russia’s Territorial Stability
Where: Seminar room, 9th floor, Niagara

Spring 2024

February 6,  15.15-16.30
Dr Lena Hercberga (Copenhagen Business School) will present her research: How to be many: understanding difference and disagreement among young Russian speakers in Latvia. Read more here

February 27, 09:30 – 16:30
Ukraine Discovery Day Malmö University, Orkanen, room OR:E439, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10
Read more here

March 12, 15.15-16.30
Natalia Iost: The Influence of Critical Junctures with Russian Involvement on its Standing in the Baltic States. The Analysis of Narratives and Public Perceptions
Read more here

March 26, 15.15-17.00
15.15–16.00: Dr. Oğuzhan Mutluer: A Research on the Films of the Russian-Ukrainian War
16.00-17.00: Prof. Nino Javakhishvili & Dr. Nino Butsashvili: Contestation but not Euroscepticism: economic and security concerns and the fear of losing national traditions in Georgia
Read more here

April 9, 15.15-16.30
Erik Davtyan: Being small in a large club: unpacking Armenia’s actorness in the Eurasian Economic Union

April 23, 11.00-12.50 (joint RUCARR & MIM seminar)
Aadne Aasland (Oslo-MET): The reception of Ukrainian refugees in Norway: Experiences of refugees and frontline workers
Read more here

April 23, 15.15-16.30
Najmin Kamilsoy: Unintended transformation? Organizational responses to regulative crackdown on civil society in Azerbaijan
Read more here

April 29, 15.15-17.00
Roundtable with visiting researchers at RWI: Armenia’s Human Rights agenda: efforts amidst social and security challenges Read more here

May 7, 17.00-18.15 (zoom)
Dr. Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, Ass. Prof. of Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara: Empire of Refugees: North Caucasian Muslims and the Late Ottoman State.
Read more here

May 14, 15.15-16.30 (zoom)
Christian Høgel, Prof. in Greek and Latin, Lund University: The Georgian-Byzantine literary interaction in the eleventh century
Read more here

May 21, 15.15-16.30
Prof. Branislav Radeljić, United Arab Emirates University: The inefficiency of EU leverage in Serbia during the Russia-Ukraine war
More info here

May 28, 15.15-16.30
Prof. Stefan Hedlund, Uppsala University,  presents his new book Ukraine, Russia and the West. When Value Promotion Met Hard Power
More info here


Fall 2023

September 12, 15-16
Dr. Elizaveta Kopacheva, Linneaus University,  will present her thesis “The resource model of political participation 2.0: Protesting in semi-authoritarian regimes – A privilege of the privileged

October 3, 15-17
Seminar given by Olena Miliienko, British Academy Fellow at the Politics & International Studies Department of the University of Warwick UK. Joint REDEM/RUCARR seminar: «The importance of solving the problems of internally displaced persons by local authorities and protecting their rights in the administrative courts in Ukraine

October 17, 15-17
Levan Kakhishvili, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS), Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg; How do parties compete in hybrid regimes: Programmes, clientelism or the marriage of the two? Case study of Georgia

October 24, 15-16
RUCARR visiting researcher Dr Maia Barkaia, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA), will present her project “Georgia’s Eastern Borderland Entanglements: Pankisi Gorge Crisis“, where she explores the borderland identity of the Pankisis Kists (Chechen group in Georgia) and how it unfolded in the 1990s against the backdrop of Russo-Chechen wars.

November 6-7
Online & Campus Symposium Language in Conflict and War – Ukraine, Caucasus, Russia. Program, abstracts and sign-up link:

November 22, 13.15-15.00
Dr. Stephen Holmes, University of Bath: The Authoritarian International: Tracing how Authoritarian Regimes Learn in the Post-Soviet Space.

November 28, 15.00-17.00
Prof. Vladimir Gel’man, Helsinki University: Why Russia Fails: Origins of Ukrainian Catastrophe

Spring 2023

June 13, 15.15-17.00
Viktor Tuzov,  Ph.D Candidate in Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR: Striving towards democracy? Political participation in post-Soviet countries

May 23, 15.15-17.00
Christofer Berglund and Karli Storm:, Cause without Rebels? Rise and Fall of the Talish-Mughan Republic in South-Eastern Azerbaijan
Read more:

May 16, 15.15-17.00
Oleksandr Potii.Brigadier General the Deputy Chairman of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine- Cyberwarfare and our resistance to aggression: key insights from 2022

May 11, 10.00-11.30
Ass.Prof. Edward Lemon, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University and Dr Oleg Antonov, researcher at Södertörn University and RUCARR, Malmö University: The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Russia and China in Central Asia
Sign-up link

April 25, 15.15.1700
Dr Mariëlle Wijermars, University of Helsinki: Internet freedom in Russia: An infrastructural approach
More info and zoom link

April 11, 15-17
Evgeny Romanovskiy, PhD Candidate Charles University.: National Historiography, Élite Ideology, and Nation-Building in the Northern Caucasus. Sign-up link för Zoom

March 21, 15-17
Dr Katrine Godfredsen, senior lecturer in Caucasus Studies at Malmö Unversity: Living with “borderization”: Accommodating, negotiating and contesting occupation in Georgian borderland villages
Link to RUCARR Portal

March 7, 15-17
Dr. Gilles Favarel-Guarrigues: “You’re a disgrace to the uniform!” Lev Protiv’s challenge to the police in Moscow streets and on YouTube
Link to RUCARR Portal

February 13, 15-17
Dr. Iryna Degtyarova, Senior Researcher in Polish Rectors Foundation, SGH Warsaw School of Economics: Needs and support for Ukrainian higher education in times of war: the Polish perspective
Link to RUCARR Portal

February 8, 15.00-16.30
Mariia Vashchenko and Zoriana Tsiupak: Insight into Ukraine’s current reality.
Link to RUCARR Portal

January 24, 12.15-14.00
Dr. Joanna Szostek, Lecturer in Political Communication, University of Glasgow: Understandings of democracy and “good citizenship” in Ukraine: utopia for the people, participation in politics not required
Link at RUCARR Portal

Fall 2022

September 7, 1.15-3 pm
Dr Aliaksei Kazharski, Charles University in Prague, Comenius University in Bratislava. The title of his presentation is: “OK, realist?” A critical scrutiny of rationalization in Western commentary on Russia and Eastern Europe
Link at RUCARR Portal

September 20, 3.15-5 pm
Max Kovalov: “When Lenin Becomes Lennon: Decommunisation and the Politics of Memory in Ukraine (more info

October 4, 3.15-5 pm
Roundtable on Russia-China relationsRussian-Chinese relations.

October 18, 3.15-5 pm
Svitlana Babenko, Project researcher at GPS and MIM and Mariia Tyschenko, Honorary Doctor of Malmö University: Russia’s war in Ukraine: Women, Security, Resilience

October 25, 3.15-5 pm
Joint GP, MIM and RUCARR seminar, Prof. Gregg Bucken-Knapp, School of Public Administration at the University of Gothenburg, presents his new book “Messages from Ukraine”

November 1, 3.15-5 pm
Dr. Artyom Tonoyan: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict in the Soviet and Russian Press

November 15, 1.15-3.00 pm
Dr David Aptsiauri:
Specifics of China’s policy towards the countries of South Caucasus during continuing global crisis
When: 1.15-3.00 CET

November 29
Dr Jussi Lassila: ““
Attitudes to Putin-Era Patriotism Amongst Russia’s ‘In Between’ Generation” (more info will follow)

December 13, 3.15-3.00 pm
Prof Alexandre Kukhianidze: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University University:
Georgia: history and memory in the conditions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Link to RUCARR Portal

Spring 2022

February 1, 3.15-5 pm
Kamal Makili-Aliyev, LL.D. Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Global Political Studies, Malmö University: The role of Azerbaijan in the non-aligned movement through the lens of international law and security. (zoom)

February 8, 3.15-5 pm
Dr. Maria Brock, Postdoc Malmö University: Protecting children in the name of ‘traditional values’ in Russia and Germany’  (zoom)

February 11, 1.15-5 pm
Ukraine-Russia Roundtable with Professor Derek Hutcheson, Dr. Sarah Whitmore, and Dr. Kateryna Zarembo

February 15, 3.15-5 pm
Victor Kipiani, Chairman of the think tank Geocase: Georgia’s 30 years from regaining the independence: accomplishments, challenges and opportunities.

March 1, 3.15-5 pm
Dr. Aliaksei Kazharski: Russia’s identity and foreign policy: understanding the roots of the international crisis

March 15, 3.15-5.00
Dr. Félix Krawatzek, ZOiS: Defending History? The Impact of Context and Speaker in Russia

April 5, 3.15-5.00 pm CET
Tinatin Japaridze, Director of Policy & Strategy at The Critical Mass: Stalin’s Millennials: Nostalgia, Trauma, and Nationalism
April 26, 15:15-17:00
Dr. Isaac McKean Scarborough: What Constitutes Post-Soviet Sovereignty?  Tajikistan and the (re)Formation of National Security after the Collapse of the USSR. More info:

April 29, 1:15-3:00
Presentation of the Endangered Languages Network TADNET with discussion on the status of Laz and Circassian in Turkey.

May 24 3:15-5:00
Joint seminar Gent University and RUCARR
More info: RUCARR Portal

June 15, 3:15-5:00
A Discussion with Prof. Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University, Sweden) and Dr. Lidia Zhigunova (Tulane University, USA): Navigating Between History, Memory, and Politics: Circassian Trans-Nationalism in the 21st Century
Link to RUCARR Portal

Fall 2021

September 24, 3-5 pm
— Prof. Karina Vamling, Dr. Manana Kobaidze and Dr. Revaz Tchantouria: Introduction – Georgian language online – 20 years

— Prof. Zaal Kikvidze (Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi State University): Address in Georgian: Language and Society through History. More info.

September 28, 3-5 pm – seminar (zoom)

Prof. Vello Pettai, University of Tartu: Foresight Scenarios on Populism: Imagining Central and Eastern European Politics in 2030

October 1, 1.15-3.00 pm Zoom (sign-up here)
Prof. Tinatin Bolkvadze, Tbilisi State University & State Language Department: The language situation in multilingual Georgia

October 8, 1.15-3.00 pm (Sign-up here, zoom)
— Opening of Georgian Art Exhibition

— Denis Keefe (CMG, Director National Security Faculty, Royal College of Defence Studies, London): 
A Diplomat in Georgia (Sign-up here, zoom)

October 19 – seminar (zoom)
Dr. Nino Antadze (University of Prince Edward Island): The role of traditional rituals in resisting energy injustice: The case of hydropower developments in Svaneti, Georgia. October 19, 3.15 pm (zoom)

October 22, 3-5 pm (Sign-up here)
Kristian Carlsson, publisher, writer and translator; Tamara Tchikovani, translator, Manana Kock Kobaidze, lecturer, translator and writer and Hanna Sandborgh, PhD Candidate at Tbilisi State University: 
Roundtable: Georgian literature in Sweden – Swedish literature in Georgia. (in Swedish)

November 5, 3-5 pm (Sign-up here)
Prof Kevin Tuite, University of Montréal, Dept of Anthropology: 
Banqueting as an extreme sport: Agonism and the Georgian supra.

December 7, 3-5 pm
Dr Rico Isaacs, Associate Professor in Politics, University of Lincoln: Whose Culture War is it? The Istanbul Convention and the Politics of Gender, Tradition & Morality in Latvia (zoom)

December 8, 10.15-11 am
Book release “We witnessed the break-up.” – Six Swedish and Danish researchers on the final years of the USSR seen from the Caucasus, edited by Märta-Lisa Magnusson and Karina Vamling (In Swedish and Danish) (zoom)

December 14, 4-5.30 pm
Dr. Astrid Hedin, Associate Professor and visiting scholar at Harvard Univ. Davis Center: Communist state administrative structures (zoom)

Spring 2021

February 9 – seminar (zoom)
Dr. Tornike Metreveli (Postdoctoral Researcher on Christianity, Nationalism, and Populism in Lund University) presents his new book Orthodox Christianity and the Politics of Transition: Ukraine, Serbia and Georgia (Routledge, 2021). 15.15–17.00

March 16 – seminar (zoom)
Prof. Marlene Laruelle, George Washington University,  will present and discuss her latest book Is Russia fascist? Unraveling propaganda East West.
When: March 16, 15.15–17.00 (Swedish time)
Where: Zoom, Sign up here

April 6 – panel (zoom)
Strategies for legitimation and political succession in Eurasia
When: April 6, 3-5 pm
Where: zoom

April 9 – seminar (zoom)
The process of restoration of Georgia’s statehood
When: April 9, 1.15-3 pm
Where: zoom

April 12 – seminar (zoom)
Dr. Peter Eltsov (National Defense University, Washington): The Long Telegram 2.0: A Neo-Kennanite Approach to Russia

April 20 – seminar (zoom)
Dr. Erica Marat (National Defense University, Washington): The Politics of Police Reform: Society against the State in Post-Soviet Countries.
When: April 20, 3.15-5 pm
Where: zoom

May 18 – seminar (zoom)
Igor Istomin, Associate Professor, MGIMO University and Davis Senior Fellow, Harvard University: Limits of Commitment: Responses of Junior Allies to Hegemonic Entrapment. When: 3.15-5.oo (CET).

May 25 – seminar (zoom)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Reisner (School of Arts & Sciences, Jean Monnet Chair, European & Caucasian Studies, Ilia State University, Tbilisi)
will discuss the history Caucasian studies in the 19th and early 20th. When: 3.15-5.oo (CET).

June 8 – seminar (zoom)
Journalisten och författaren Kalle Kniivilä presenterar i samtal med Bo Petersson (RUCARR) sin bok Putins värsta fiende : Aleksej Navalnyj och hans anhängare. Boken utkommer den 7 juni på bokförlaget Atlas.
Tisdag 8 juni, 15:00 – 16:30  (på svenska / in Swedish)


Fall 2020

September 15 – RUCARR roundtable discussion on the situation in Belarus
Participants: Dr. Sofie Bedford (Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala University), Prof. Aleh Cherp (IIIEE, Lund University), PhD Natallia Paulovich (independent reseacher, Warsaw), Martin Uggla (Chairman Östgruppen). Moderator: Prof. Bo Petersson (RUCARR, Malmö University)
When : September 15, 15.15–17.00 (zoom)

September 29 – RUCARR seminar
Dr. Kristian Steiner & Khalil Mutallimzada: Uncertainty and Extremism among Ukrainian Right-Wing Fighters. Discussant: Niklas Bernsand (Lund University)
When: September 29, 15.15–17.00
Where: Zoom – Registration:

October 6 – RUCARR seminar
Dr. Lincoln Mitchell (affiliated to Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University): “The Caucasus in the Post-Covid Multi-Polar World”
3-5 pm (zoom)

October 26 – RUCARR seminar
Prof. Stephen Jones, Mount Holyoke College (US) will give a seminar on his current research on the First Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-21) and its significance to the history of European social democracy.
3.15-5.00 pm

November 9
10.00-11.00 am: Panel discussion Security in the South Caucasus, (Zoom, in Swedish/Norwegian).
Program and registration:

November 10
1.00-3.00 pm: Putin’s “constitutional coup”: context and implications
3.30-5.30 pm: The parliamentary elections in Georgia – New challenges for Stability and democracy
Program and registration (Zoom, in English):
December 1
Putin och Rysslands rebeller – Seminarium med författarna till två nya böcker om Ryssland: böcker om Ryssland: Hans-Wilhelm Steinfelds ”Putin” och Geir Flikkes ”Ruslands rebeller”. Kommentarer av Carolina Vendil Pallin, forskningsledare, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut, FOI.
1 december, 15.15-17.00. Zoom.

December 8 – webinar
Nagorno-Karabakh: from status quo towards final resolution
Prof. Gerard Jirair Libaridian, professor (emeritus) of history at the University of Michigan, former advisor to the first President of the Republic of Armenia on foreign and security policies. Dr. Philip Gamaghelyan, assistant professor at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego. Dr. Kamal Makili-Aliyev, senior lecturer at the Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University, affiliated researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Mr. Zaur Shiriyev, International Crisis Group’s Analyst for South Caucasus, former Academy Associate with the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House. Moderator: Dr. Julie A. George, Associate professor at the Graduate Center / Queen’s College, City University of New York.

Spring 2020

January 28 – RUCARR seminar
Dr. Stepan Grigoryan (Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation): Velvet Revolution and Political Developments in Armenia When: 3-5 pm, January 28
Where: Niagara Building, Room TBA

February 18 – Web seminar
Dr. Mikayel Malkhasyan, Associate Professor, Yerevan State University: “The Medieval Roots of the Current Armenian Cultural Identity”
The seminar will be held on the 5th floor in the Glocal Classroom (by the C elevators).
When: February 18, 3.15 pm

May 4 – RUCARR seminar
Dr. Dato Gogishvili (Postdoc at Dept. of Urban Studies, Malmö University): Lofty Ideals in Aerial Connectivity: Ideology in the Urban Cable Car Network of Tbilisi, Georgia
When: May 4, 15.00-16.30 (zoom)

Fall 2019

December 10 – RUCARR seminar
Professor Robert A. Saunders, Farmingdale State College (SUNY), Dept. of History, Politics, and Geography, NY: Getting over Borat: Exploring the (After-)Effects of Parody in the Post-Soviet Realm.
When: December 10, 3.15-4.45 pm
Where: Seminar room, 9th floor

November 19 – RUCARR seminar
Dr. Per-Anders Rudling: History as a political instrument in the Cold War: the 1941 Pogroms, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, and the CIA
When: November 19, 15.15
Read more:

October 10 – RUCARR seminar
Prof. Oliver Reisner, Ilia State University, Tbilisi: Title Social Cohesion and Political Developments in Contemporary Georgia
When: 09.30–11.00. Seminar room at 9th floor Niagara

September 10 – RUCARR seminar

Dr. Kamal Makili-Aliyev, Researcher at Fculty of Law, Lund University: The evolution of the principle of self-determination: from Åland Islands to Nagorno-Karabakh and Catalonia. When: 15.15-17.00. Room: TBA.

Spring 2019

May 7 – Caucasus Studies web / campus seminar

Guranda Bursulaia, PhD Candidate at Free University, Tbilisi, and SI visiting researcher: Silence as a Narrator: The Case of the Georgian History Textbooks. May 7, 15.15-17.00. Glocal Classroom, 5th floor

April 23 – Caucasus Studies web / campus seminar

Dr. Tamta Khalvashi, Associate Professor at Ilia State University in Tbilisi,  will give a web-seminar entitled: “The Myths of Medea: Economies and Cosmologies of Dispossession in Georgia”
In order to prepare for the seminar, we suggest that you read this article: The_horizons_of_Medea.pdfPreview the documentGlocal classroom, Niagara 5th floor, 15.15.

March 26 – RUCARR campus seminar

Klas-Göran Karlsson: “The Armenian genocide: An interpretive framework”;
Maria Småberg: “Giving voice to Armenian and Yazidi women – the transnational life stories of Alma Johansson and Maria Anholm”
Maria Karlsson: “Genocide denial: the Armenian example”
When: March 26, 15-17

March 7 – Caucasus Studies / RUCARR seminar

– Guest lecture with Prof. Kakhaber Loria, Tbilisi State University. Hovedlinjer i den georgiske literaere prossesen fra de eldste tider til og med dagens literatur.
– Round-table discussion with translators of Georgian literature into Swedish and Swedish literature into Georgian
When: March 7, 15-17

February 14 – RUCARR seminar

Dr. Mikhail Suslov, Assistant Professor, Institute for Trans-Cultural and Area Studies, University of Copenhagen: Fantasy and Politics in Contemporary Russian Science Fiction
When: February 14, 13.15

Fall 2018

November 8-9 – Third Annual RUCARR Conference
Read more:

November 13 – RUCARR/Caucasus Studies Web/campus seminar
Dr Emil Souleimanov,
Charles University, Prague: Research on the micro-dynamics of violence in the midst of North Caucasian diaspora communities.

December 5-6 – ‘Promoting International Dialogue and Protecting Cultural Heritage in the Caucasus’
Read more:

Spring/Summer 2018

February 27 – RUCARR and Caucasus Studies web & campus seminar
Dr. Aram Terzyan, guest researcher at GPS and Assistant Professor at Yerevan State University: Explaining the evolution of Armenia’s foreign policy.
When: February 27, 15.15–17. Where: Niagara building, 5th floor, Glocal Classroom.

March 13 – RUCARR seminar
Prof. Madina Tlostanova, Linköping University: Decolonizing knowledge, being and sensing: Caucasian resistance and re-existence.
When: March 13, 15.15–17. Where: Niagara building, 10th floor, seminar room.

April 19 – Book release on Parliamentary Elections in Russia

May 21 – RUCARR seminar
Dr. Minna Lundgren, Mid Sweden University: Abkhazia: migration, memories and contested belongings.
When: May 21, 15.15-17.

May 22 – One-day conference: Declarations of Independence in the Caucasus – 100 years
When: May 22, 09.30-16.15

July 6 –RUCARR på Almedalsveckan: Putins fjärde mandatperiod – och sedan då?
When: July 6, 14.00–15.20. (Almedalen)
Read more:

August 2 – LUPSRUSS Round Table/Focus group on Functional Variation (Ekaterinburg, Russia) 

When: August 2, 16:00-18:00.  Boris Yeltsin Centre, Ekaterinburg. Read more: Круглый стол: «Доступная среда: возможности и сложности центра города» [In Russian]

Fall 2017

November 22-23
Second Annual RUCARR Conference

November 23-24
Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival – in the Homeland and Diaspora

Spring 2017

May 23 – RUCARR seminar
Mahama Tawat: “What’s new in the Russian academic landscape? Insights from Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow”

May 18 – RUCARR seminar
Elnur Aliyev: “Ethno-linguistic portrait of the Shahdagh people – minorities of Azerbaijan”
Svetlana L`Nyavskiy: “From language to war: Language policy debates in English-Medium Ukrainian and Russian News Agencies. The effects of Ukrainian events on language policy in Estonia.”

May 17 – Visit by Ambassador of Georgia
11.00–12.00, room 0826
Presentation given by Ambassador of Georgia to Sweden, Malkhaz Kakabadze: “26 Year of the Independence of Georgia and 25 Year of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Georgia and Sweden”

Maj 16 – Second RUCARR PhD workshop
Giorgi Omsarashvili: Militant Jihadist movements in the North Caucasus
Agil Valiyev: Cultural Diplomacy of Azerbaijan (Nagorno Karabagh)
Elnur Aliyev: Trilingual Electronic Dictionary (Kryz-Azerbaijani-English)

April 26 – Web/campus seminar
Prof. Fariz Khalilli:  “Recent archaeological researches in Azerbaijan and Medieval Agsu Town”

March 29 – Web/campus seminar
“Circassian Refugees in Syria”. Lars Funch Hansen, Caucasus Studies, introduces the little-known Circassian (North Caucasian) group among the Syrian refugees in Sweden. Representatives from the Circassian community are participating in the seminar and will be interviewed by Lars Funch Hansen

March 14 – RUCARR seminar
Prof. Bo Petersson, Co-Director of RUCARR,  will present a new book chapter: “Perspektiv på östutvidgningen: EU:s triumf eller fröet till dess undergång?”
Discussant: Associate professor Derek Hutchesson.

February 28 – Caucasus Studies Web & Campus seminar
Dr. David Matsaberidze: “Pro-Western and Pro-Russian Tendencies in Georgia’s Foreign Policy”
Assistant professor of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Tbilisi State University

7 February – RUCARR seminar
Associate professor Derek Hutchesson (European Studies, Dept. of Global Political Studies) will give the presentation: Brexit, the future of the EU and its implications for the wider Europe

Fall 2016

8-9 December – RUCARR Inaugural Conference (Programme)

24-25 November – Caucasus Studies workshop
Workshop, including the open lecture: North Caucasian Defence Towers in Georgia, by Søren Theisen.

23 November – RUCARR/GPS seminar
Academic freedoms besieged: Developments in Turkey and Russia
Read more:

10 November – RUCARR – Erasmus Mundus PhD workshop
Read more:

8 November – RUCARR and Caucasus Studies Web & campus  seminar
“The 2016 parliamentary elections in Russia and Georgia”
Derek Hutcheson, Malmö University, & Alexandre Kukhianidze, Tbilisi State University
Read more:

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