Book release on Parliamentary Elections in Russia

RUCARR is pleased to announce the launch of the book Parliamentary Elections in Russia: A Quarter- Century of Multi-Party Politics by Dr Derek Hutcheson, Associate Professor of Political Science in the Department of Global Political Studies, at Malmö University.

The launch will take place at 15.30 hours on Thursday, 19 April 2018 in the Niagara Building, Nordensköildsgatan 1, Malmö, with an introduction by Prof. Bo Petersson (Co-director, RUCARR), a brief talk by Derek Hutcheson, and a reception.

Because the event will take place in a part of the building where public access is limited, please register in advance with, by 16 April. Arrangements will be made on the day to meet and and accompany you to the location.


                                                Synopsis of the book:

Russia is often in the news at the moment. As a nuclear power, permanent UN Security Council member, emerging Arctic hegemon and the largest state in the world, the country is of extreme importance in global politics. In the first long-term analysis of Russian parliamentary elections, Derek Hutcheson explores the country’s seven rounds of election since 1993, and also sets Russian politics into a wider context. Through the twists and turns of political reform, he combines official data, primary material and in-depth analysis to investigate the changes in Russia’s political system.




Circassians in the 21st century, Conference November 23-24

The conference Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival – in the homeland and diaspora was hosted by Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR) and the Section for Caucasus Studies, Malmö University, November 23-24 2017. Thank you to all presenters and other participants!



(Photos: Elnur Aliyev & Karina Vamling)

Poster presentations – Circassians in the 21 century

Circassian organisations and research materials were showcased in the poster presentations at the conference Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival – in the homeland and diaspora, hosted by the research platform Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR), Malmö University, November 23-24.

Circassian Women Solidarity Association in Turkey – Gunsel Avci & Didem Baş Bilge
Circassian Culture Association of Nuremberg Germany – Faidi Mahmoud Barsbai
Book presentation: Circassia Born to be Free – Adel Bashqawi (not present)
Federation of Caucasian Associations (Kaffed) – Ufuk Çevik
Circassian Cultural Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia – Merab Chukhua
The Association for the Study of EthnoGeoPolitics – Caspar ten Dam
Circassian Charity Association in Jordan – Zuhdi Janbej Janbek
Circassian Repatriation Organization – Basel Katt & Tina Abzakh
Caucasus Studies at Center for East European Studies, Warsaw – Hamed Kazemzadeh
Archive materials – Walter Richmond
Circassian Congress and Circassian Union – Avraham Shmulevich

(Photos: Elnur Aliyev & Karina Vamling)

Second Annual RUCARR conference 22-23 Nov

The Second Annual RUCARR conference was hosted by the research platform Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR) at the Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, November 22-23, 2017. The specific focus of the event was on ethnicity, ethnic conflict, and nationalism issues, with keynote speaker Dr. Paul Goode of Bath University. The conference included the panel discussion “New authoritarian tendencies in Europe and Eurasia?” (co-organiser: Europe Direct)

Read more:

(Photos: Elnur Aliyev, Karina Vamling)

Research project on urban planning in Russia and Sweden

RUCARR researchers Bo Petersson and Derek Hutcheson are embarking on a new research project Legitimacy, urban planning and sustainability in Russia and Sweden (LUPSRUSS) with funding from the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD).

The project seeks to examine the processes of urban planning in Sweden and Russia, with a focus on the input, control and output legitimacy of that process. The concept of input legitimacy will be examined through an examination of the actors in the processes of urban planning. Control/throughput legitimacy will be examined through examination of the processes of urban planning. Output legitimacy will focus on the policy outputs of the process.
Through paired comparison of different examples of urban planning, this project will give insight into the quality of governance at the local level. Moreover, the focus will be on the politics and processes behind sustainable planning and development in a number of comparable regions in each country. Finally, the project will also be capacity-building, building on existing networks and fostering new ones between scholars and local government units in Sweden and Russia

Read more about the project and partners at the project website: and the ICLD’s research page:

RUCARR at Almedalsveckan: Ryssland i ett nytt världspolitiskt läge

Panel discussion at “Almedalsveckan” on the role of Putin’s Russia in world politics, dominated by Trump, Brexit and tension within EU

RUCARRs och Statsvetenskapliga förbundets panel om ‘Ryssland i ett nytt världspolitiskt läge’ drog fullt hus under fredagen den 7 juli i Almedalsveckan.

Inför c:a 150 åhörare diskuterades Putins Ryssland och dess roll i en politisk omgivning präglad av Trump, Brexit och spänningar inom EU.

Deltagare från höger i bild (nedan), Lena Bartholdson (FOI, moderator), Kalle Kniivilä (Sydsvenskan), Carolina Vendil Pallin (FOI), Kjell Engelbrekt (Försvarshögskolan) samt Bo Petersson (Malmö högskola, RUCARR). 

RUCARR activities May 23

The afternoon will start with the opening of a photo exhibition and short documentary film about the Budukhs, a Dagestani minority group in northern Azerbaijan. Organiser: Elnur Aliyev.

14.15 – Mahama Tawat: “What’s new in the Russian academic landscape? Insights from Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow”
Mahama Tawat is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Administration at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow. He is also a research associate at the Malmö Institute for the Study of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Malmö University, Sweden

Room: C0826

RUCARR seminars May 18

13.00 – Elnur Aliyev: “Ethno-linguistic portrait of the Shahdagh people – minorities of Azerbaijan”
Elnur Aliyev is a PhD Candidate of Tbilisi State University and an Erasmus Exchange PhD Candidate at the Dept. of Language and Linguistics, Malmö University

14.00 – Svetlana L`Nyavskiy: “From language to war: Language policy debates in English-Medium Ukrainian and Russian News Agencies. The effects of Ukrainian events on language policy in Estonia.”
Svetlana L`Nyavskiy is a PhD Candidate at Central and Eastern European Studies, Lund University

15.00–15.15 Coffee

When: May 18, 13-15.15
Where: Niagara C 0929

Seminar on Pro-Western and Pro-Russian Tendencies in Georgia’s Foreign Policy

Welcome to a web & campus seminar on February 28, 3.30 pm (Swedish time) with Dr. David Matsaberidze, who will give a paper on the topic:  “Pro-Western and Pro-Russian Tendencies in Georgia’s Foreign Policy”

David Matsaberidze is Assistant professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

3.30 pm (Swedish time)

Campus seminar – Niagara building  C0502.
Web seminar – for Malmö University students & staff: LIVE Lecture & live chat
Follow the seminar online at: